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Datos Sobre El Crack Turkey's Borsa Istanbul Closes 2017 At Record

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  1. Datos Sobre El Crack Turkeys Borsa Istanbul Closes 2017 At Record 2017
  2. Datos Sobre El Crack Turkeys Borsa Istanbul Closes 2017 At Recording

Articles from Anadolu Agency (AA) May 2017 on HighBeam Research. Cancel changes. Wall Street Closes Mixed with Trump Remarks, Tech Gains. Turkey's Borsa Istanbul Goes Down in Opening Session. ISTANBUL: Turkey’s stock exchange reached its highest-ever close on the first working day of 2018, recording 117,524.20 points. On Tuesday, the BIST 100 rose 1.90 percent or 2,191.19 points.

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Datos Sobre El Crack Turkeys Borsa Istanbul Closes 2017 At Record 2017

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Datos Sobre El Crack Turkeys Borsa Istanbul Closes 2017 At Recording

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Datos Sobre El Crack Turkey

The ES futures dipped 1%. European, Turkish and Russian markets plunged after confirmation that Turkey had shot down a Russian jet near its border with Syria and Moscow warning Ankara of 'serious consequences'. Turkey’s Borsa Istanbul 100 was down almost four percent after Russian President Vladimir Putin called Ankara's action a “stab in the back made by accomplices of the terrorists.” He also warned Turkey of “very serious consequences” for relations. The Russian stock market also fell on the news from Syria. As of 6:00pm MSK, the ruble-traded MICEX index was down 3.30 percent, while the dollar-denominated RTS index fell 3.56 percent. On Monday, the MICEX skyrocketed to 1,865 points, its highest level in seven years. The crisis also affected European stock markets.

London's FTSE was down 1.19 percent as of 3:00pm GMT. The markets in France and Germany were losing 1.90 and 1.42 percent, respectively. The Turkish lira is the worst performer among the currencies. As of 3:00pm GMT the lira was down 0.87 percent against the US dollar. The downing of a Russian jet fighter over Syria’s airspace was undertaken by Turkey in consultation with Washington and Brussels.

Turkey did not take this decision without getting the greenlight from the Pentagon. Is this an act of revenge against Russia for bombing the US-sponsored Islamic State in Syria? The unspoken truth is that Russia is undermining US-NATO’s ground operations inside Syria.

The latter are made up of various Al Qaeda affiliated formations which de facto constitute the foot-soldiers of the Western alliance. These ISIS and Al Nusrah rebel forces are in turn led by intelligence operatives and Western special forces, many of whom are deployed by private mercenary companies on contract to US-NATO (see also + ).